Decision Making and the MCA 2005 Training Course

Health & Social Care Training Courses

(Level 2)

In a relaxed and informal atmosphere, this programme examines the requirements of all staff with decision making responsibilities to take into account the Mental Capacity Act 2005 and its code of practice. This Act has implications for every citizen but those working in roles such as social workers, managers of care services, district and community nurses, ward staff nurses and therapists in the professions allied to medicine make specific decisions in accordance with their area of expertise.

The aims of this programme will be achieved via, lecture, discussion and case study material and will explore:

  • The Act's guiding principles;
    • why capacity matters and how we have been assessing it already;
    • best interests decision making in accordance with existing legislation and the Mental Capacity Act 2005;
    • other key parts of the act such as the Court of Protection, Advanced decisions and Lasting Powers of Attorney, Independent Mental capacity Advocates;
  • The code of practice and how it affects our work;
  • Safeguarding Adults and the interface with the Mental Capacity Act 2005;
  • Issues for managers and decision makers regarding polices and documentation, funding and multi-agency working;
  • Examination of the Act’s implications for Direct Payments;

By the end of the session, workers will have gained an insight into the Mental Capacity ACT 2005, Its Code of Practice and their role in working within its requirements to make decisions for people lacking capacity.